After completing a BSc in Anatomy and Physiology, Daniel continued Post Graduate studies in Neuroscience, Molecular Biology and Osteopathy. In private practice, he continued his studies with Myofascial and Cranial Sacral Techniques.
Daniels interest was in how compensatory patterns translate to physiological and functional change, and looked at ways treatment and rehabilitative exercise could be used to address these.
In the late 90’s, Daniel began work with a Spinal and Orthopaedic Company, that lead to him working around the world with top surgeons, and the development of Surgical Devices.
His return to Australia lead him to commence development of a device that acted as a bio-feedback or self regulating device, that acted as an unstable base, to be used in both Rehabilitation and Functional Exercise. The Oov was launched.
Daniel now works with leading practitioners collaborating on Rehab and Exercise prescription, and delivers workshops to Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Exercise Physiologists, Pilates instructors and Personal Trainers around the world.
Daniel also uses 3D Motion Capture and EMG technology, to research movement, and apply this technology to injury prevention in the workplace.
He has worked with elite and professional athletes in all sports, including Tennis, Golf, Rugby, AFL, Swimming and Athletics.
他返回澳洲之後開始開發一種作為生物回饋或身體自我調節功能的器材,以不穩定的基礎為主,用於康復和功能訓練。 Oov因此而橫空出世。
Daniel還使用3D Motion Capture(3D立體動作抓拍)和EMG技術來研究運動,並將該技術應用於傷害預防的工作上。